You are here: Configuration > Withholding > Plan Level Withholding


Plan Level Withholding

Plan level withholding is defined via a two step process in the Rules Palette. First, a plan level override of the WithholdingScreen business rule is created. The fields that will capture plan level withholding information are configured in this rule override.


Withholding Screen Overrides

Plan Overrides of the Withholding Screen Business Rule


The second part of the process requires the user to enter withholding field values via the Plan Data file in the Rules Palette. The Withholding tab displays the fields that were configured in the plan level override of the WithholdingScreen business rule. Plan level withholding is established by setting these field values. Withholding information is saved to the AsWithholding and AsWithholdingField tables.


View Withholding in OIPA

Any user with security privilege can access plan level withholding information by selecting Plan Withholding from the Plan Main menu.


To grant a user security access to view Plan Withholding in OIPA, open Admin Explorer | Security | Application Security | Security Groups and double-click the security group associated with the user. Then open Company Security | Company Pages and check out the PlanWithholding page. Check the box for Plan Withholding then check in the file.


Plan Withholding in OIPA

Plan Withholdiing Data in OIPA



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